Bhai Kanahaiya Manav Sewa Trust



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Bhai Kanhaiya Ashram Moriwala, Sirsa

After Some time, the number of patients was gradually increasing, but the capacity of the building is only for 80 patients. Some well-wishers suggested him to also make shelter home for Men and old-age people. Then Gurvider Singh realise and think about to construct a new building to resolve this issue. Singh has started contacting donors to help him for new building construction and after three years of hard work. Gurvinder Singh purchased one-acre land near Moriwala village, which is 10 K.M away from Sirsa city on Hisar road. Construction work of Ashram was started on 15th May 2015 by placing the foundation stone
In 2016, Bhai Kanahaiya Ashram Moriwala building got ready to be a house of about 500 patients and Social Activist Shri. Kulbhshan Sarawagi ji helped to construct this building. On 20 March 2016 Moriwala branch was inaugurated by V. Umashanka – IAS. This branch has separate wards for Women, Men, Children’s, and Old-age peoples. Since 2015, the trust has been operating and managing a shelter home dedicated to caring for destitute men suffering from dementia. Presently, this facility provides residence and support to a total of 95 men.

Bhojan Sewa (Food Sponsorship)

Food ( In Units) Amount
Lunch or Dinner (1 Unit)₹ 2100
Lunch or Dinner (2 Unit) ₹ 4200
Lunch or Dinner (3 Unit)₹ 6300
Lunch or Dinner (4 Unit)₹ 8400
Lunch or Dinner (5 Unit)₹ 10500
Special Food (Lunch or Dinner) 1 Unit₹ 3100
Special Food (Lunch or Dinner) 2 Unit₹ 6200
Special Food (Lunch or Dinner) 3 Unit₹ 9300
Special Food (Lunch or Dinner) 4 Unit₹ 12400
Special Food (Lunch or Dinner) 5 Unit₹ 15500
Breakfast (1 Unit)₹ 1100
Breakfast (2 Unit)₹ 2200
Breakfast (3 Unit)₹ 3300
Breakfast (4 Unit)₹ 4400
Breakfast (5 Unit)₹ 5500
Food Donation